Tuesday, November 08, 2005

There's nothing disgusting about the human body

Do you think it's offensive to make fun of people who are less fortunate than you? Take the first family for instance. This is a little clipping from the The Onion. I laughed, you laughed, we all had a good laugh about it. But is right, to make fun of someone who is shitting blood? And furthermore, is right to make fun of a retard who is shitting blood? I mean... is the word 'retard' even a little too harsh?

First of all, I am typically against making fun of retards. Especially the ones with rectal bleeding. However, for some reason, this seems more reasonable. I mean, it is true, is it not, that we only elected her husband to be our president because we felt sorry for the poor monkey boy bastard, right? I mean, it couldn't have been because the majority of Americans believed him to be the best man for the job, that would be ludicrous.

I think I am going to prescribe a little therapy. Go out, this week sometime, and make fun of a retard. and see if it really makes you feel better about yourself. And then, depending on the result, I think we can make an educated decision about whether or not The Onion was out of line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't even laugh,
so why did you?