Tuesday, January 17, 2006

An Imposter is on the loose!

My friends, I have no pretty pictures for you today. Nothing that will brighten your mood, or elevate your spirit, or even give you a little chuckle. No, today, I bring you a warning, and it is a warning most dire. There is an imposter. This man pretends to have some sort of relation to me, but believe him not; they are all vicious lies. Not a word of it is to be believed. You must not allow his vicious slander to taint your view of me. I am not the evil man that this bastard wants you to think I am.

And so I propose that we destroy him once and for all, before his poisonous, treasonous, malignant, tainted words can turn you against, me, the Good Doctor.


Ginger said...

That's isane doctor!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, only the real Dr. Kuha has a bellybutton! Fakes never have one...